
The Keeping


Key Vocabulary: This will be tested on Thursday October 7, 2010

border- a part that forms

the outside edge of


gathering- a coming

together of people

needles- small, thin tools

used for sewing

scraps- leftover bits of


sewn- fastened with stitches

using a needle and thread

threaded- passed thread

through the eye of a needle

Other Vocabulary which they will not be tested on: 


hauling- pulling or carrying

artificial- not real or

natural; fake

babushka- (buh*BUSH*kah) a

woman’s head scarf; from the

Russian word meaning


challah- a loaf of white

bread, often braided, that

traditionally is eaten at special

Jewish celebrations

linen- cloth made from fibers

of the flax plant

handkerchief- a square

piece of cloth used for wiping

the face or nose; a scarf

huppa- a canopy under

which traditional Jewish

weddings are performed

poverty- being very poor

bouquet- a bunch of flowers